Tuesday 12 April 2011

Lets Play Minecraft

The Lets play will start this weekend and their will be atleast 3 episodes per week. Videos will be posted on Youtube and updates and etc. will be posted here! See you guys soon!

- LPNinjas

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Achievements and Rules

This is the list of achievements and rules for our Minecraft LP. We must finish all these achievements to finish the LP. Finished achievements are striked out.
1. Build a 2 story house
2. Build a farm
3. Build a mob trap
4. Have a speed-building competition
5. Have a pig race
6. Go out in night with only a wolf
7. Survive a night without anything without hiding
8. Build a large mine
9. Collect 64 diamond
10. Build an arena
11. Have a gladiator fight
12. Survive an arrow barrage in the arena
13. Build an underwater house
14. Make a zoo and aquarium
15. Go exploring and find extremely cool geography
16. Make a golden apple
17. Clear 10 dungeons
18. Get back home from 2000 blocks away

19. Establish a base in the Nether

1. Only carry one set of tools at a time (sword, pick, axe, shovel, hoe)
2. Only carry one stack of arrows at a time
3. No using beds except as spawn point
4. Only make sets of tools when you have enough material to make a full set. (first time using that material only)

5. No commands or mods

Monday 4 April 2011


We decided to start a Minecraft Let's Play! There's gonna be rules and challenges to complete and we will have to finish all of the challenges to finish the LP. There will be several bonus episodes at the end. Rules and challenges list will be up in a couple days, And so will our first episode.
